Help us raise awareness about marine debris in Florida and the Caribbean with these resources!
Abandoned and Derelict Vessels Fact Sheet
Learn more about abandoned and derelict vessels (ADVs), how to
prevent them, and how you can help.
Florida and Caribbean Marine Debris Fact Sheet
Learn about marine debris issues in the Florida and the Caribbean,
and how the NOAA Marine Debris Program works with state agencies,
coastal communities, academic institutions, industry, and
non-governmental organizations to address marine debris in the region.
Marine Debris Fact Sheet
Learn more about marine debris— what it is, where it comes from, and
how we can help.
Regional Emmy® Award-Winning TRASH TALK
Ocean Today, in partnership
with the NOAA Marine Debris Program, presents Regional Emmy®
Award-winning TRASH
TALK, a 15-minute special feature on marine debris for World Ocean
Day. It is specially designed to be part of your World Ocean Day
festivities and beyond. To download the videos, visit Ocean
Today's website.
Derelict Trap and Trap Debris Cleanup Events - Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs about the FWC Derelict
Trap and Trap Debris Removal Program Volunteer Opportunities.
This program provides a mechanism to authorize volunteer groups to
collect derelict traps and trap debris during open or closed seasons.
Volunteer groups may remove derelict traps and trap debris from state
waters when they organize a cleanup event and obtain authorization
from the FWC.
Goal: Clean Seas Florida Keys
In response to the significant amount of marine debris left in the
wake of Hurricane Irma, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and the
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation are working with local tour
operators and other businesses, non-profits, and government agencies
to identify and remove marine debris. You can play
an integral role in helping the Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary stay healthy and resilient. Join us in Goal: Clean Seas
Florida Keys. This presentation provides an overview of
the clean up efforts and details how dive shops and divers can participate.
NOAA Marine Debris Posters & Brochures
The NOAA Marine Debris Program offers posters
and brochures for print. Hang a display in learning centers to
educate visitors about “garbage patches,” put a poster in your
classroom, or hand out brochures in your community. We have a limited
amount in print. Contact marinedebris.web@noaa.gov for availability.
Storm Preparedness & Marine Debris Fact Sheet

Hurricanes and severe storms bring high winds, rain, strong waves,
and storm surges that can damage or destroy your home, boat, or other
property, can put your family or business at risk, and have the
potential to create a large amount of marine debris. This document
runs through some basic steps to prepare for storms and prevent your
property from becoming marine debris.
Visit the National
Weather Service website for more detailed information about how
to prepare for storms.